Thursday, August 14, 2008

Online Marketing Company – tough days ahead

Every online marketing company may now start losing its sleep over video commercials or advertisements as they have started attracting companies with limited marketing budget. It is increasingly being felt that online video ads are very effective in enticing viewers to surf through a company's website for more information. A recent research has revealed that spending by advertisers on online video ads is likely to increase by four times by 2011. It will increase from $1.9 billion to $505 million in 2008.

The report reveals that the number of people watching online video has increased than ever before – 154.2 million in 2008 compared to 114.3 million in 2006. It is found that 80% of those who watch online video have at some point of time in their lifetime seen a video ad. 31% of them have surfed the advertiser's Web page and 12% have made a purchase.

New technological tools are proving to be handy for companies to be able to develop customized video ads without taking help from internet advertising agencies that charge huge sums. Some businesses like restaurants and real-estate agents will be main beneficiaries of this as they will be able to develop more personalized video profiles of their entities. These are not good signs for an online marketing company. Internet advertising agencies will now have to find new and better ways to challenge these new software.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Banner Marketing Company: Boosting the Brand

This blog discuses how a banner Marketing company can boost the position of a particular brand by using successful and strategic means of advertising it through excellent banners.

There is a lot of scope on the Internet for bringing Brand recognition to marketers. However, in order to increase revenue, advertising has to be done strategically. The Internet turns out to be a wonderful option for those who want swift publicity for their products and services. Brands can be really established using Banner Advertisements.

Since Banner Advertising is an interactive form of advertising, Banner Marketing Companies are sure that they will get a good response. A Banner Marketing Company brings in creativity and always have in hand a key promotional strategy. What a Banner Marketing Company does is that it utilizes the vast resources of the Internet for spreading their word as fast as that in a chain reaction! Since the web is easily accessible, and in so much use that reaching the target audience by displaying ads has never been better before.

The professionals at the Banner Marketing Company lay out a strategy and a media plan to go about the advertising campaigns efficiently. What they do is they develop the ads, and apply various strategies on them by putting them in the most favorable locations so that their advertising needs are fulfilled and the Banner Marketing company is able to create quality brand awareness for the products or services that they are trying to market.

A little note here: Banner Marketing Companies do not only function to develop ads only. They essentially richen the chosen theme. A good, creative ad is always successful in persuading potential customers to buy the products and this may a Banner Marketing company can ensure good brand positioning.