Many a site owners and advertising agencies assume misconceptions on creation and running online banner adversing. Many people let loose after placing a banner on a website, without closely monitoring its effectiveness and performance to bring profits. So, they end up by getting nothing in return from their valuable investment. Then, what is the use of equipping your site with a jazzy introduction that is hardly sufficient to introduce your site to potential traffic? Following tricks have proved to be beneficial in mixing and matching various features of banner ads as well as giving those ads the right placement.
Firstly, most of the people wish to have a lively, glitzy and graphically enriched banner, completely ignoring weight of file size. Designers and site owners must not forget importance of file size for loading time of a banner. Will you be successful to pull traffic to your site when the banner fails to get loaded fast? Your potential visitors may be diverted to other sites within the period that your banner takes to be viewed?
Next, give your banner some time after you publish it on a site. It may not or may start pulling heavy traffic initially. Some banners may initially start performing on a high note but later, lags or vice versa. However, do not press panic button if even after getting around 2,000 impressions, your site does not generate sales. It mostly take another subsequent two thousand impressions to start generating revenues, so hold your patience and don't rush for alterations too soon.
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